SmugMug Camera Awesome – The ULTIMATE iPhone Camera Application

When I first heard rumors SmugMug was building a camera application for smart phones, my inclination was to think it would merely be a way to easily integrate smart phone camera pictures with SmugMug’s online service. Boy was I wrong.

THIS is the app that makes the iPhone’s camera worth having. It is called “Awesome” because it is. Nothing matches it for features and functionality in my opinion.

It’s simply one of the most fully-powered camera apps on the market and I honestly cannot think of one thing that would make it better. What’s even more impressive to me is the fact that SmugMug used its own engineers to build the app in house. That’s important because all the people who work at SmugMug are very passionate about photography. That makes a big difference when you’re building something like this.

Oh and before you start grousing about needing a SmugMug account – you do NOT! It works with or without a SmugMug account.

There are nearly 300 presets, textures and filters. You have easy access to a popup menu that lets you control camera stabilization, burst mode, flash, etc. It even includes video recording.

One of my favorite features about the “Awesome” app is its ability to reduce the shutter lag you often find when using an iPhone. I find myself able to get more keepers using “Awesome” than I do using the iPhone’s built-in camera application.

It’s very easy to share photos made with “Awesome.” It integrates one-touch sharing and optional automatic instant sharing with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket, YouTube and SmugMug.

For now the app only works on iPhones but SmugMug says they are working on an Android version. And you can’t argue with the price. It’s free! I’d easily pay $5 or more for this app any day.

You can get more information on “Awesome” here on the SmugMug site –

Highly recommended.

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Viewbug – Fun Photo Contests – Animoto – Great animated slide shows from your photos / – Renting Canon, Nikon, Olympus & Sony, bodies, lenses, etc. / SmugMug – Professional Photo Sharing / Digital SLR Store – Cameras, lenses, accessories and everything else.